Trilogy of Swordsmanship 群英会

Chinese title (trad.):
Chinese title (simpl.):
Russian title:
Трилогия о меченосцах
Other titles:
Трилогия искусства меченосцев
Release year:
Hong Kong
Running time:
109 minutes
martial arts, drama
Hong Kong release date:
3 tales of chivalry from the mighty Shaws
Part 1: "The Iron Bow" A mother-and-daughter kung fu team (played by Kao Pao Shu and Shih Szu) runs a teahouse. A local magistrate's wastrel son (Tien Ching) wants to marry the daughter, but the mother's late husband left a stipulation that only a man who could lift his heirloom, the Iron Bow, and shoot an arrow from it could marry the daughter. The magistrate's son tries but can't do it. A passing hero (Yueh Hua) can. This angers the magistrate's son and he sends in the troops for a couple of major brawls. The mother and daughter and their youthful helper, "Doggie," defend themselves.
Part 2: "The Tigress" A high-priced courtesan, Shih Chung Yu (Lily Ho), gets General Wang in trouble when his refusal to leave her side makes him defy an order from Minister Li. He's very nearly executed but Lily gets the minister to relent on the condition that she succeed in capturing marauding bandit Pang Xun (Lo Lieh), whose obsession with the courtesan himself is jeopardizing his own campaign to plunder and pillage the region. So Shih Chung Yu sets a contrived plan in motion, enlisting General Wang and her sister prostitutes to use trickery to subdue Pang Xun and his men without a major fight. Then we find out something that puts a poignant spin on things...
Part 3: "White Water Strand" This one's a sequel of sorts to THE WATER MARGIN (1972), based on the classic Chinese literary work, and focuses on the sons—and one daughter (Li Ching)—of the famed bandits of Liang Shan Mountain. It opens with the group freeing one of their number (Ti Lung) from government custody— one of those box wagon contraptions they use to carry a prisoner on the road in these films. A passing hero (David Chiang) intervenes to help the guards and then decides he'd rather help the Liang Shan crew. This gets him into trouble with a government man (Ku Feng) who then imprisons him and sets an execution date. The Liang Shan heroes prepare to effect a rescue... The cast of this segment also includes Chen Sing, Wang Chung, Billy Tang, Cheng Lei, and Yang Tze (aka Bolo Yeung).
Part 1: "The Iron Bow" A mother-and-daughter kung fu team (played by Kao Pao Shu and Shih Szu) runs a teahouse. A local magistrate's wastrel son (Tien Ching) wants to marry the daughter, but the mother's late husband left a stipulation that only a man who could lift his heirloom, the Iron Bow, and shoot an arrow from it could marry the daughter. The magistrate's son tries but can't do it. A passing hero (Yueh Hua) can. This angers the magistrate's son and he sends in the troops for a couple of major brawls. The mother and daughter and their youthful helper, "Doggie," defend themselves.
Part 2: "The Tigress" A high-priced courtesan, Shih Chung Yu (Lily Ho), gets General Wang in trouble when his refusal to leave her side makes him defy an order from Minister Li. He's very nearly executed but Lily gets the minister to relent on the condition that she succeed in capturing marauding bandit Pang Xun (Lo Lieh), whose obsession with the courtesan himself is jeopardizing his own campaign to plunder and pillage the region. So Shih Chung Yu sets a contrived plan in motion, enlisting General Wang and her sister prostitutes to use trickery to subdue Pang Xun and his men without a major fight. Then we find out something that puts a poignant spin on things...
Part 3: "White Water Strand" This one's a sequel of sorts to THE WATER MARGIN (1972), based on the classic Chinese literary work, and focuses on the sons—and one daughter (Li Ching)—of the famed bandits of Liang Shan Mountain. It opens with the group freeing one of their number (Ti Lung) from government custody— one of those box wagon contraptions they use to carry a prisoner on the road in these films. A passing hero (David Chiang) intervenes to help the guards and then decides he'd rather help the Liang Shan crew. This gets him into trouble with a government man (Ku Feng) who then imprisons him and sets an execution date. The Liang Shan heroes prepare to effect a rescue... The cast of this segment also includes Chen Sing, Wang Chung, Billy Tang, Cheng Lei, and Yang Tze (aka Bolo Yeung).
Movie crew
Chang Cheh, Cheng Kang, Griffin Yueh Feng

Chang Cheh
Aged 48 years
Aged 48 years

Cheng Kang
Aged 47 years
Aged 47 years

Griffin Yueh Feng
Aged 63 years
Aged 63 years
Ko Jui-Fen, Evan Yang, Cheng Kang, Hu Pao
12 m.
Ko Jui-Fen

Evan Yang
Aged 51 year
Aged 51 year

Cheng Kang
Aged 47 years
Aged 47 years

2 m.
Hu Pao
assistant director:
Frankie Chan Fan-Kei, Zhou Lan-Ping
51 m.
Zhou Lan-Ping
Aged 45 years

Frankie Chan Fan-Kei
Aged 20 years
Aged 20 years

Aged 45 years
Pao Hsueh-Li, Chu Chia-Hsin, Wu Cho-Hua, Kung Mu-To
4 m.
Chu Chia-Hsin
48 m.
Wu Cho-Hua
51 m.
Kung Mu-To

Pao Hsueh-Li
Aged 36 years
Aged 36 years

art director:
Chan King-Sam, Chan Ki-Yui, Johnson Tsao Chuang-Sheng
231 m.
Chan Ki-Yui
Aged 64 years
208 m.
Johnson Tsao Chuang-Sheng

Chan King-Sam
Aged 39 years
Aged 39 years

Aged 64 years

costume designer:
sound recordist:
action director:
Chui Hing-Chun, Leung Siu-Chung, Tong Kai, Lau Kar-Leung
51 m.
Chui Hing-Chun

Tong Kai
Aged 35 years
Aged 35 years

Lau Kar-Leung
Aged 35 years
Aged 35 years
production company:
filming company:
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Во втором эпизоде главный бандит Ло Лье, среди помощников которого мелькает юный Само Хун, борется за возможность лицезреть Лили Хо. В последствии, красивые девчонки, занимающиеся самой древней профессией, хитро все решают, спасая генерала от наказания, потому что все ходили в бардель и ловят Ло Лье. Прям энциклопедия женской хитрости и манипулирования )).
В третьем эпизоде пятерка воинов, среди которых лысый Боло, нападает на караван солдат, пытаясь освободить заключенного Ти Луна. Мимо шел Дэвид Чианг и встал у них на пути. Интересный боевик в стиле "одним ударом семерых". Выживут не все.