Hong Kong 1981-1986 香港八一至香港八六系列

Chinese title (trad.):
Chinese title (simpl.):
Russian title:
Гонконг 1981-1986
Release year:
Hong Kong
Number of episodes:
TV series
Movie crew

Andy Lau Tak-Wah
Aged 19 years
Aged 19 years

Margie Tsang Wah-Sin
Aged 15 years
Aged 15 years

Leslie Cheung Kwok-Wing
Aged 24 years
Aged 24 years

Wong San
Aged 55 years
Aged 55 years

Leung Biu-Ching
Aged 45 years
Aged 45 years

Lee Shing-Cheong
Aged 23 years
Aged 23 years

2 m.
Leung Chung-Fun

Michael Lai Siu-Tin
Aged 35 years
Aged 35 years

Jenny Tseng
Aged 27 years
Aged 27 years

Eddie Cheung Siu-Fai
Aged 17 years
Aged 17 years

Wong San
Aged 55 years
Aged 55 years

Leung Biu-Ching
Aged 45 years
Aged 45 years

Lee Shing-Cheong
Aged 23 years
Aged 23 years

2 m.
Leung Chung-Fun

Michael Lai Siu-Tin
Aged 35 years
Aged 35 years

Jenny Tseng
Aged 27 years
Aged 27 years
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"Hong Kong ’86 was produced by TVB in 1986 in which Leslie was requested to be a special guest acting in one of the episodes of a TV sit-com.
Synopsis :
 Leslie (Lone) was mistaken as son of a billionaire from the neighbour country when he took up a tenancy with a family in Hong Kong. The rumour was put up by a tabloid columnist who said that the son of the “King of sugarcane” was escaping from the country carrying piles of US$ bills in a shoebox. Incidentally, Lone did carry a box of cash bill…... The rumour widely spread around the neighbourhood and people came to please him with different intention until one day Lone was chased after by a man. The man was Lone’s uncle in Cheung Chau (a small island of Hong Kong) who came looking for him…… Lone sneaked away from home so as to get away from resuming his father’s small family business and he took up a job as a movie producer and thus the fake bill in the shoebox is …………….." :-)