Gim Siu Gong Wu 剑啸江湖

Chinese title (trad.):
Chinese title (simpl.):
Russian title:
Меч рек и озер
Release year:
Hong Kong
Number of episodes:
TV series
Movie crew

Damian Lau Chung-Yan
Aged 46 years
Aged 46 years

Patricia Chong Jing-Yee
Aged 36 years
Aged 36 years

Norman Tsui Siu-Keung
Aged 45 years
Aged 45 years

Lawrence Yan Chi-Keung
Aged 28 years
Aged 28 years

Eric Wan Tin-Chiu
Aged 31 year
Aged 31 year

Kristy Yeung Kung-Yu
Aged 21 year
Aged 21 year

Kam Shan
Aged 51 year
Aged 51 year

Damian Lau Chung-Yan
Aged 46 years
Aged 46 years

Patricia Chong Jing-Yee
Aged 36 years
Aged 36 years

Norman Tsui Siu-Keung
Aged 45 years
Aged 45 years

Lawrence Yan Chi-Keung
Aged 28 years
Aged 28 years

Eric Wan Tin-Chiu
Aged 31 year
Aged 31 year

Kristy Yeung Kung-Yu
Aged 21 year
Aged 21 year

Damian Lau Chung-Yan
Aged 46 years
Aged 46 years

Patricia Chong Jing-Yee
Aged 36 years
Aged 36 years

Norman Tsui Siu-Keung
Aged 45 years
Aged 45 years

Lawrence Yan Chi-Keung
Aged 28 years
Aged 28 years

Eric Wan Tin-Chiu
Aged 31 year
Aged 31 year

Kristy Yeung Kung-Yu
Aged 21 year
Aged 21 year

Erica Choi Hiu-Yee
Aged 24 years
Aged 24 years

Aged 34 years

Damian Lau Chung-Yan
Aged 46 years
Aged 46 years

Patricia Chong Jing-Yee
Aged 36 years
Aged 36 years

Norman Tsui Siu-Keung
Aged 45 years
Aged 45 years

Lawrence Yan Chi-Keung
Aged 28 years
Aged 28 years

Eric Wan Tin-Chiu
Aged 31 year
Aged 31 year

Kristy Yeung Kung-Yu
Aged 21 year
Aged 21 year

Erica Choi Hiu-Yee
Aged 24 years
Aged 24 years
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