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His Name Is Nobody 无名小卒

Hong Kong
Chinese title (trad.):
Chinese title (simpl.):
Russian title:
Его зовут Никто
Other titles:
Его зовут Никак
Release year:
Hong Kong
Running time:
96 minutes
martial arts, comedy
Hong Kong release date:
The Nobody Kid (Lau Kar-wing) is a street urchin whom was abandoned as a child and did not have a name. One day, he meets master con artist, Sting (Dean Shek), who takes Nobody as his disciple and teaches him swindling and martial arts skills. The duo is later enlisted by Sting's brother, Baldy (Karl Maka), to murder Ping the Dreg (Chung Fat), a professional assassin. Sting and Nobody plan to take advantage of Ping's lust for woman and uses Baldy's wife to seduce Ping. However, their plan fails and Ping kills Baldy's wife, while Sting and Nobody are separated as well. While alone, Nobody meets an elderly martial arts master and Ping's rival, Koo the Iron Heart (Bryan Leung), who also takes Nobody as his disciple and teach him his skills. However, Koo was later killed by Ping. Nobody eventually reunites with Sting, and together, they confront Ping for vengeance.


Boris Hohlov
rating 7   7,0
rating 7.77 12 votes 7,8
Douban rating
rating 7.2 301 vote 7,2
Your rating
rating 0  
*Budget & boxoffice*
Hong Kong box office: $372 863

Movie crew

Karl Maka
Karl Maka
Hong Kong 83 m. Photos
Karl Maka
Aged 34 years
Karl Maka
Karl Maka
Hong Kong 83 m. Photos
Karl Maka
Aged 34 years
script supervisor:
assistant director:
costume designer:
action director:
Lau Kar-Wing
Lau Kar-Wing
China 209 m. Photos
Lau Kar-Wing
Aged 35 years
assistant action director:
production company:


Lau Kar-Wing
China 209 m. Photos
Lau Kar-Wing
Aged 35 years
The Nobody Kid
Dean Shek Tin
Hong Kong 160 m. Photos
Dean Shek Tin
Aged 30 years
Con artist
Leung Kar-Yan
China 303 m. Photos Biography
Leung Kar-Yan
Aged 29 years
Koo the Iron Heart
Chung Fat
Hong Kong 129 m. Photos
Chung Fat
Aged 25 years
Ping the Dreg
Karl Maka
Hong Kong 83 m. Photos
Karl Maka
Aged 34 years
Chiu Chi-Ling
Hong Kong 52 m. Photos
Chiu Chi-Ling
Aged 35 years
Kung fu master
Yau Pui-Ling
Hong Kong 47 m. Photos
Yau Pui-Ling
To Siu-Ming
Hong Kong 114 m. Photos
To Siu-Ming
Man in restaurant [cameo]
Lam Ching-Ying
Hong Kong 150 m. Photos Biography
Lam Ching-Ying
Aged 27 years
Wears black wig
Hong Kong 144 m. Photos
Aged 25 years
Man in restaurant [cameo]
Ho Pak-Kwong
Hong Kong 420 m. Photos
Ho Pak-Kwong
Man with bird cage
Tai San
Hong Kong 91 m. Photos
Tai San
Lost son
Tsang Choh-Lam
Hong Kong 419 m. Photos
Tsang Choh-Lam
Aged 57 years
Fee collector for bridge passo
Yue Tau-Wan
Hong Kong 118 m. Photos
Yue Tau-Wan
Aged 21 year
Billy Chan Wui-Ngai
Hong Kong 135 m. Photos
Billy Chan Wui-Ngai
Killer with long white hair
Meg Lam Kin-Ming
Hong Kong 110 m. Photos
Meg Lam Kin-Ming
Aged 22 years
Baldy's wife
Cheung Hei
Hong Kong 220 m. Photos
Cheung Hei
Father of lost son
Johnny Cheung Wa
Hong Kong 136 m. Photos
Johnny Cheung Wa
Aged 23 years
Yuen Miu
Hong Kong 87 m. Photos
Yuen Miu
Cheung Chok-Chow
Hong Kong 480 m. Photos
Cheung Chok-Chow
Ping the Dreg's agent
To Wai-Wo
136 m. Photos
To Wai-Wo
Lo Wai
Hong Kong 129 m. Photos
Lo Wai
Hoh Wan
Hong Kong 147 m. Photos
Hoh Wan
Lung Ying
Hong Kong 71 m. Photos
Lung Ying
Ho Bo-Sing
Hong Kong 111 m.
Ho Bo-Sing


Boris Hohlov
rating 7   7,0
rating 7.77 12 votes 7,8
Douban rating
rating 7.2 301 vote 7,2
Your rating
rating 0  
*Budget & boxoffice*
Hong Kong box office: $372 863


Lau Kar-Wing
China 209 m. Photos
Lau Kar-Wing
Aged 35 years
The Nobody Kid
Dean Shek Tin
Hong Kong 160 m. Photos
Dean Shek Tin
Aged 30 years
Con artist
Leung Kar-Yan
China 303 m. Photos Biography
Leung Kar-Yan
Aged 29 years
Koo the Iron Heart
Chung Fat
Hong Kong 129 m. Photos
Chung Fat
Aged 25 years
Ping the Dreg
Karl Maka
Hong Kong 83 m. Photos
Karl Maka
Aged 34 years
Chiu Chi-Ling
Hong Kong 52 m. Photos
Chiu Chi-Ling
Aged 35 years
Kung fu master
Yau Pui-Ling
Hong Kong 47 m. Photos
Yau Pui-Ling
To Siu-Ming
Hong Kong 114 m. Photos
To Siu-Ming
Man in restaurant [cameo]
Lam Ching-Ying
Hong Kong 150 m. Photos Biography
Lam Ching-Ying
Aged 27 years
Wears black wig
Hong Kong 144 m. Photos
Aged 25 years
Man in restaurant [cameo]
Ho Pak-Kwong
Hong Kong 420 m. Photos
Ho Pak-Kwong
Man with bird cage
Show all actors (16 more)
Lau Kar-Wing
China 209 m. Photos
Lau Kar-Wing
Aged 35 years
The Nobody Kid
Dean Shek Tin
Hong Kong 160 m. Photos
Dean Shek Tin
Aged 30 years
Con artist
Leung Kar-Yan
China 303 m. Photos Biography
Leung Kar-Yan
Aged 29 years
Koo the Iron Heart
Chung Fat
Hong Kong 129 m. Photos
Chung Fat
Aged 25 years
Ping the Dreg
Karl Maka
Hong Kong 83 m. Photos
Karl Maka
Aged 34 years
Chiu Chi-Ling
Hong Kong 52 m. Photos
Chiu Chi-Ling
Aged 35 years
Kung fu master
Yau Pui-Ling
Hong Kong 47 m. Photos
Yau Pui-Ling
Show all actors (20 more)
Lau Kar-Wing
China 209 m. Photos
Lau Kar-Wing
Aged 35 years
The Nobody Kid
Dean Shek Tin
Hong Kong 160 m. Photos
Dean Shek Tin
Aged 30 years
Con artist
Leung Kar-Yan
China 303 m. Photos Biography
Leung Kar-Yan
Aged 29 years
Koo the Iron Heart
Chung Fat
Hong Kong 129 m. Photos
Chung Fat
Aged 25 years
Ping the Dreg
Karl Maka
Hong Kong 83 m. Photos
Karl Maka
Aged 34 years
Chiu Chi-Ling
Hong Kong 52 m. Photos
Chiu Chi-Ling
Aged 35 years
Kung fu master
Show all actors (21 more)

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Seryjj007 August 22, 2021 at 22:46
Карл Мака хорошо порежиссерил, за пять минут из подкидыша вырастает полноценный Лау Кар-Винг. К обычному образу кривляки в тюбетейке, Дин Шеку нарисовали монобровь. Фильм переполнен специфическим юмором и всеобщими кривляниями (Дин Шеку простительно, так как он почти всегда так играет). Только Люн Ка-Янь отыграл блестяще свою роль и без кривляний.
☆☆☆ 7 из 10 ☆☆☆
Dragon June 10, 2020 at 13:33
Отличный! Пересмотрел...Весёлый-лёгкий сюжет, драки и отличный подбор актёров. Ну а Дин Шек как всегда в своем амплуа! И даже Марс отметился в эпизоде...[8/10].
Chicken January 13, 2018 at 12:43
Я впервые Дина Шека увидел в "Светлом будущем-2", в далёком 1994 году и честно говоря для меня было культурным шоком понимание, что это не мощный драматический актёр, а Джим Керри 1970 - х. Правда сейчас уже и Джим Керри показал, что он не просто клоун - недоумок. Что же касается фильма, милый, конвеерный, проходной. Тем не менее, сегодня уже своеобразный стандарт, символ целой эпохи, и как не крути классика.
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