Tiger's Claw 二龙争珠

Chinese title (trad.):
Chinese title (simpl.):
Russian title:
Коготь тигра
Other titles:
Shaolin's Tiger Claws; Shaolin Tiger Claw
Release year:
Hong Kong
martial arts
Hong Kong release date:
Shaolin Tiger Claw is the story of
one mans struggle for self discovery, as it leads him on an odyssey
across the continent to prove he is the best fighter in the land. His
journey leads him to the Tiger, the most notorious fighter alive. Only
one problem - the Tiger is in jail, so Yu must first trick his way in to
jail to challenge the Tiger.
Movie crew
script supervisor:
assistant director:
action director:
production company:

Lisa Lui Yau-Wai
Aged 17 years
Aged 17 years

Cliff Lok
Aged 25 years
Aged 25 years

Sek Kin
Aged 62 years
Aged 62 years

Lin Jing
Aged 57 years
Aged 57 years

Lisa Lui Yau-Wai
Aged 17 years
Aged 17 years
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Драки медленные, техника так себе. Понравилось, как Шек Кин говорил с сыном о жизни, о том, что всегда найдется тот, кто сильнее. За это на балл выше. ☆☆☆ 7 из 10 ☆☆☆