Operation ''Cougar'' 美洲豹行动

Chinese title (trad.):
Chinese title (simpl.):
Russian title:
Операция "Пума"
Other titles:
The Puma Action; Codename: Cougar; Code Name: Cugar; 代號美洲豹 (代号美洲豹)
Release year:
Running time:
76 minutes
The title of the film
leads the viewer to expect lots of violence, and Lenzi certainly
doesn't disappoint in this respect. We've got bowling balls to the head,
a young woman having her face scraped off on a moving train, a man
impaled on a sharp fence and many other such delights. Overall, it has
to be said that this film isn't very original, but Lenzi injects some
freshness into it with a barrage of exciting chase scenes (the best of
which take a point of view shot from the front of a motorbike) and
violent shootouts. The good thing about these Polizia movies is that
they are played out for pure entertainment value, meaning that Lenzi is
free from trying to be arty, and can pack in as much violence as he
likes; a fact which is often capitalised on. The film benefits from a
strong Italian cast, including Maurizio Merli; who may be no Clint
Eastwood, but still delivers a strong and entertaining lead performance.
John Saxon gets to join in the fun also, and there's also a place for
fellow American actor Barry Sullivan, in the role of the villain.
Overall, if you're into Italian cop movies; this isn't one to miss!
Movie crew
production manager:
Wang Dong-Feng, Zong Feng, Liu Xiao-Dian, Jia Zhao-Ji
7 m.
Wang Dong-Feng
8 m.
Liu Xiao-Dian
24 m.
Jia Zhao-Ji

1 m.
Zong Feng

assistant director:
art director:
sound recordist:
production company:
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May 13, 2021 at 14:45
Самолет международных авиалиний, следующий по маршруту "Тайбэй-Сеул", захвачен террористами группировки под названием "Черный азиатский отряд". Они требуют освободить своего главаря. В противном случае самолет будет взорван. Аварийная посадка происходит на территории, подконтрольной КНР. И начинается долгий процесс переговоров. За каждую попытку штурма будут убиты заложники, а значит невинных жертв не избежать... Ощущение, как будто посмотрел старое советское кино. Любители напряженных сюжетов будут в восторге, а вот экшена в стиле нон-стоп, скорее всего, разочарованы. И это несмотря на более чем скромный хронометраж картины. А посему, как представитель второго направления, прошу не принимать мою оценку в качестве аксиомы.
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