Famous Swordsman Tin Kiu 名剑天骄

Chinese title (trad.):
Chinese title (simpl.):
Russian title:
Знаменитый меченосец Тин Киу
Other titles:
Famous Swords-Woman ''Tin Kiu''
Release year:
Hong Kong
martial arts
Hong Kong release date:
Forced into a
marriage with a swordsman she believes to be a masked attacker that she
comes across in the woods, Yu Chiao flees her wedding night before her
marriage can be consummated.
On the run from her betrothed, Yu Chiao seeks out the heirs of the Five Knights for a more suitable companion.
Unbeknownst to her, Meng, her jilted lover and the titular Famous Swordsman, is also seeking the heirs of the Five Knights. Meng hopes to prevent Yu Chiao from marrying any of them and clear his name by finding the true masked attacked. Could it be one of the Knights? Find out in this classic wuxia tale. (Fusian Films)
On the run from her betrothed, Yu Chiao seeks out the heirs of the Five Knights for a more suitable companion.
Unbeknownst to her, Meng, her jilted lover and the titular Famous Swordsman, is also seeking the heirs of the Five Knights. Meng hopes to prevent Yu Chiao from marrying any of them and clear his name by finding the true masked attacked. Could it be one of the Knights? Find out in this classic wuxia tale. (Fusian Films)
Movie crew
hair stylist:
action director:

Wong Ching
Aged 19 years
Aged 19 years


Maggie Li Lin-Lin
Aged 20 years
Aged 20 years

Kenneth Tsang Kong
Aged 34 years
Aged 34 years

Paul Chun Pui
Aged 23 years
Aged 23 years

Stanley Fung Sui-Fan
Aged 23 years
Aged 23 years

Sze-Ma Wah-Lung
Aged 47 years
Aged 47 years

Lok Gung
Aged 51 year
Aged 51 year

Maggie Li Lin-Lin
Aged 20 years
Aged 20 years

Kenneth Tsang Kong
Aged 34 years
Aged 34 years

Paul Chun Pui
Aged 23 years
Aged 23 years

Stanley Fung Sui-Fan
Aged 23 years
Aged 23 years

Sze-Ma Wah-Lung
Aged 47 years
Aged 47 years
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