Her Tender Love 郎如春日风

Chinese title (trad.):
Chinese title (simpl.):
Russian title:
Ее нежная любовь
Release year:
Hong Kong
Hong Kong release date:
It is interesting to
compare Her Tender Love with Movie-Fan Princess, which was made just
three years earlier. Both films feature Connie Chan(陈宝珠) playing a
factory girl and both are tributes to her fans who worked in Hong Kong's
booming manufacturing industry. In fact, Her Tender Love features an
amazing song, "Long Live the Factory Girls,"(工厂妹万岁) that is oddly
similar to the model revolutionary operas being made in the People's
Republic of China during the same period. Both films also star sixties
heart-throb Lui Kei as Connie's leading man. Movie-Fan Princess was the
debut of their four-year, 25-film screen romance that ended with Her
Tender Love.
There is, however, one significant difference between the two films, and it is best exemplified by Connie's hands. In Her Tender Love, they are a major motif. The romance between Connie and Lui Kei is signaled in the beginning of the film when Lui Kei kisses Connie's hands and tells her how pretty they are. Actually—backing up a bit—he first takes her hand after she tries to slap him for playing a joke on her. He then asks how she could hit with such pretty hands and says that they instead should be displayed in a museum for everyone to see. Lui Kei's words are indicative of Connie's changing character in the films they made together. In most of Connie's other films she does use her hands to hit (she wasn't the sixties queen of action because of her "pretty" hands!) but not in this film. Later, after the two have fled to Hong Kong to get away from their evil brother and after she has worked herself to the bone to support him as he goes to university, he takes her hands again and notices how damaged they are. Although they are no longer beautiful on the outside, they are still beautiful on the inside for all the support they have given him. "Your great hands support my studies," he declares as he kisses them. What they can't do, however, is protect Connie from her brother's lecherous friend who tries to rape her at the end of the film. She does put up a struggle, but it is Lui Kei who saves her in the end. This is a complete turnaround from three years earlier in Movie-Fan Princess, when it is Connie who saves Lui Kei and shows off her fighting skills!
There is, however, one significant difference between the two films, and it is best exemplified by Connie's hands. In Her Tender Love, they are a major motif. The romance between Connie and Lui Kei is signaled in the beginning of the film when Lui Kei kisses Connie's hands and tells her how pretty they are. Actually—backing up a bit—he first takes her hand after she tries to slap him for playing a joke on her. He then asks how she could hit with such pretty hands and says that they instead should be displayed in a museum for everyone to see. Lui Kei's words are indicative of Connie's changing character in the films they made together. In most of Connie's other films she does use her hands to hit (she wasn't the sixties queen of action because of her "pretty" hands!) but not in this film. Later, after the two have fled to Hong Kong to get away from their evil brother and after she has worked herself to the bone to support him as he goes to university, he takes her hands again and notices how damaged they are. Although they are no longer beautiful on the outside, they are still beautiful on the inside for all the support they have given him. "Your great hands support my studies," he declares as he kisses them. What they can't do, however, is protect Connie from her brother's lecherous friend who tries to rape her at the end of the film. She does put up a struggle, but it is Lui Kei who saves her in the end. This is a complete turnaround from three years earlier in Movie-Fan Princess, when it is Connie who saves Lui Kei and shows off her fighting skills!
Movie crew
production manager:
assistant director:
production company:

1 m.
Che Mui

Connie Chan Po-Chu
Aged 22 years
Aged 22 years

Lui Kei
Aged 27 years
Aged 27 years

Aged 57 years

1 m.
Kwok Chi Chiu

Lok Gung
Aged 51 year
Aged 51 year

Aged 59 years

Law Kei
Aged 33 years
Aged 33 years

Connie Chan Po-Chu
Aged 22 years
Aged 22 years

Lui Kei
Aged 27 years
Aged 27 years

Aged 57 years

1 m.
Kwok Chi Chiu

Lok Gung
Aged 51 year
Aged 51 year

Aged 59 years
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