The Prince's Shadow 御用闲人

Chinese title (trad.):
Chinese title (simpl.):
Russian title:
Тень принца
Release year:
Hong Kong
Number of episodes:
historical, drama, comedy
TV series
Movie crew

Adam Cheng Siu-Chow
Aged 57 years
Aged 57 years

Sheren Tang Shui-Man
Aged 38 years
Aged 38 years

Marco Ngai Chun-Git
Aged 37 years
Aged 37 years

Georgina Chan Nim-Kwan
Aged 25 years
Aged 25 years

Tavia Yeung Yee
Aged 25 years
Aged 25 years

Joyce Tang Lai-Ming
Aged 28 years
Aged 28 years

Chang Wai-Kuen
Aged 44 years
Aged 44 years

Lily Leung Shun-Yin
Aged 76 years
Aged 76 years

Stephanie Wang Chung-Hei
Aged 23 years
Aged 23 years

Tsui Wing
Aged 30 years
Aged 30 years

Adam Cheng Siu-Chow
Aged 57 years
Aged 57 years

Sheren Tang Shui-Man
Aged 38 years
Aged 38 years

Marco Ngai Chun-Git
Aged 37 years
Aged 37 years

Georgina Chan Nim-Kwan
Aged 25 years
Aged 25 years

Tavia Yeung Yee
Aged 25 years
Aged 25 years

Joyce Tang Lai-Ming
Aged 28 years
Aged 28 years

Adam Cheng Siu-Chow
Aged 57 years
Aged 57 years

Sheren Tang Shui-Man
Aged 38 years
Aged 38 years

Marco Ngai Chun-Git
Aged 37 years
Aged 37 years

Georgina Chan Nim-Kwan
Aged 25 years
Aged 25 years

Tavia Yeung Yee
Aged 25 years
Aged 25 years

Joyce Tang Lai-Ming
Aged 28 years
Aged 28 years

Carlo Ng Ka-Lok
Aged 32 years
Aged 32 years

Angela Tong Ying-Ying
Aged 29 years
Aged 29 years

Adam Cheng Siu-Chow
Aged 57 years
Aged 57 years

Sheren Tang Shui-Man
Aged 38 years
Aged 38 years

Marco Ngai Chun-Git
Aged 37 years
Aged 37 years

Georgina Chan Nim-Kwan
Aged 25 years
Aged 25 years

Tavia Yeung Yee
Aged 25 years
Aged 25 years

Joyce Tang Lai-Ming
Aged 28 years
Aged 28 years

Carlo Ng Ka-Lok
Aged 32 years
Aged 32 years
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