Master of the Shadowless Kick Wong Kei-Ying 擎天无影脚黄麒英

Chinese title (trad.):
Chinese title (simpl.):
Russian title:
Мастер невидимого удара Вонг Кэй-Ин
Release year:
Running time:
95 minutes
historical, martial arts
China release date:
Web movie
A quiet and honest physician, Wong Kei-Ying avoids conflict and focuses on saving lives. His medical ethics are of utmost importance - above any conflict in value, politics or power. Pretending to fight a local opium gang, the new governor of Canton, the ruthless and treacherous Wei, fools Wong into helping him. In reality, Wei just wants to control the business to keep all the profit for himself. When Wong finally figures out the truth, it is almost too late. Wei captured and tortured Wong's mentor and teacher, forcing him to become addicted to opium. Desperate to save his teacher, Wong agrees to help Wei to purify the opium to make even more profit. Secretly, he tries to find an antidote to the addiction but inadvertently gets himself addicted. Before he dies, the teacher passes on the illustrations of the legendary Shadowless Kick to Wong. With help from his family and friends, Wong fights the addiction and masters the Shadowless Kick to expose Wei.
Movie crew


Kevin Sun Hao-Ran
Aged 31 year
Aged 31 year

1 m.
Li Le-Tian

Amy Yang Liao
Aged 24 years
Aged 24 years

Ocean Jiang Ming-Yang
Aged 34 years
Aged 34 years

Kevin Sun Hao-Ran
Aged 31 year
Aged 31 year

1 m.
Li Le-Tian

Amy Yang Liao
Aged 24 years
Aged 24 years

Hou Xu
Aged 29 years
Aged 29 years

Xie Ning
Aged 42 years
Aged 42 years

Ocean Jiang Ming-Yang
Aged 34 years
Aged 34 years
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