My Unfair Lady 不懂撒娇的女人

Chinese title (trad.):
Chinese title (simpl.):
Russian title:
Моя безобразная леди
Release year:
Hong Kong
Number of episodes:
Hong Kong release date:
TV series
Movie crew
Chu Kang-Ki, Lau Siu-Kwan, Lee Hou, Loretta Tsui Lok-Sze
21 m.
Chu Kang-Ki
25 m.
Lee Hou

4 m.
Lau Siu-Kwan

2 m.
Loretta Tsui Lok-Sze

Natalie Tong Sze-Ying
Aged 35 years
Aged 35 years

Nathan Ngai Chun-Ho
Aged 26 years
Aged 26 years

Samantha Ko Hoi-Ning
Aged 29 years
Aged 29 years

Calvin Chan Wai-Hung
Aged 26 years
Aged 26 years

Deborah Poon Koon-Lam
Aged 35 years
Aged 35 years

Aged 27 years

Natalie Tong Sze-Ying
Aged 35 years
Aged 35 years

Nathan Ngai Chun-Ho
Aged 26 years
Aged 26 years

Samantha Ko Hoi-Ning
Aged 29 years
Aged 29 years

Andrew Yuen Man-Kit
Aged 47 years
Aged 47 years

Lam Wai
Aged 55 years
Aged 55 years

Yeung Chiu-Hoi
Aged 32 years
Aged 32 years

Frankie Lam Man-Lung
Aged 49 years
Aged 49 years

Carman Kong Ka-Man
Aged 22 years
Aged 22 years

Jessica Hester
Aged 46 years
Aged 46 years

Chris Lai Lok-Yi
Aged 36 years
Aged 36 years

Max Cheung Tat-Lun
Aged 38 years
Aged 38 years

Andrew Yuen Man-Kit
Aged 47 years
Aged 47 years

Lam Wai
Aged 55 years
Aged 55 years

Yeung Chiu-Hoi
Aged 32 years
Aged 32 years

Frankie Lam Man-Lung
Aged 49 years
Aged 49 years

Carman Kong Ka-Man
Aged 22 years
Aged 22 years

Jessica Hester
Aged 46 years
Aged 46 years

Chris Lai Lok-Yi
Aged 36 years
Aged 36 years
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