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Bride Napping 花田错

Hong Kong
Chinese title (trad.):
Chinese title (simpl.):
Russian title:
Ткущая невеста
Other titles:
The Mix Up; The Bride Napping
Release year:
Hong Kong
Hong Kong release date:


rating 8.00 1 vote 8,0
Mtime rating
rating 6.9 26 votes 6,9
Douban rating
rating 7.4 618 votes 7,4
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rating 0  

Movie crew

Yan Jun
Yan Jun
Hong Kong 110 m. Photos
Yan Jun
Aged 44 years
Runme Shaw
Runme Shaw
Hong Kong 280 m. Photos
Runme Shaw
Aged 61 year
script supervisor:
Sung Tsun-Shou
Sung Tsun-Shou
56 m. Photos
Sung Tsun-Shou
Aged 32 years
production manager:
assistant director:
Lee Kwan
Lee Kwan
209 m. Photos
Lee Kwan
Aged 31 year
art director:
Chan Ho
Chan Ho
Hong Kong 115 m. Photos
Chan Ho
Chiang Hsing-Lung
Chiang Hsing-Lung
Hong Kong 614 m. Photos
Chiang Hsing-Lung
Aged 34 years
sound recordist:
production company:
filming company:


Betty Loh Tih
Hong Kong 47 m. Photos
Betty Loh Tih
Aged 24 years
Ding Ling
23 m. Photos
Ding Ling
Kiu Chong
Hong Kong 37 m. Photos
Kiu Chong
Aged 23 years
Diana Chang Chung-Wen
China 32 m. Photos
Diana Chang Chung-Wen
Aged 25 years
Chu Mu
Hong Kong 118 m. Photos
Chu Mu
Chen Yu-Hsin
132 m. Photos
Chen Yu-Hsin
Aged 42 years
Ma Hsiao-Nung
Hong Kong 108 m. Photos
Ma Hsiao-Nung
Ku Wen-Chung
Hong Kong 211 m. Photos
Ku Wen-Chung
Aged 52 years
Tien Feng
China 193 m. Photos
Tien Feng
Aged 33 years
Fung Ngai
Hong Kong 155 m. Photos
Fung Ngai
Hao Li-Jen
Hong Kong 213 m. Photos
Hao Li-Jen
Yam Ho
Hong Kong 131 m. Photos
Yam Ho
Erh Chun
Hong Kong 120 m. Photos
Erh Chun
Ling Hon
Hong Kong 362 m. Photos
Ling Hon
Chai Lam
Hong Kong 187 m. Photos
Chai Lam
Gwan Jing-Leung
Hong Kong 110 m. Photos
Gwan Jing-Leung
Aged 31 year
Chow Siu-Loi
Hong Kong 189 m. Photos
Chow Siu-Loi
Chan Siu-Pang
Hong Kong 141 m. Photos
Chan Siu-Pang
Gam Tin-Chue
Hong Kong 386 m.
Gam Tin-Chue


rating 8.00 1 vote 8,0
Mtime rating
rating 6.9 26 votes 6,9
Douban rating
rating 7.4 618 votes 7,4
Your rating
rating 0  


Betty Loh Tih
Hong Kong 47 m. Photos
Betty Loh Tih
Aged 24 years
Ding Ling
23 m. Photos
Ding Ling
Kiu Chong
Hong Kong 37 m. Photos
Kiu Chong
Aged 23 years
Diana Chang Chung-Wen
China 32 m. Photos
Diana Chang Chung-Wen
Aged 25 years
Chu Mu
Hong Kong 118 m. Photos
Chu Mu
Chen Yu-Hsin
132 m. Photos
Chen Yu-Hsin
Aged 42 years
Ma Hsiao-Nung
Hong Kong 108 m. Photos
Ma Hsiao-Nung
Ku Wen-Chung
Hong Kong 211 m. Photos
Ku Wen-Chung
Aged 52 years
Tien Feng
China 193 m. Photos
Tien Feng
Aged 33 years
Fung Ngai
Hong Kong 155 m. Photos
Fung Ngai
Hao Li-Jen
Hong Kong 213 m. Photos
Hao Li-Jen
Show all actors (11 more)
Betty Loh Tih
Hong Kong 47 m. Photos
Betty Loh Tih
Aged 24 years
Ding Ling
23 m. Photos
Ding Ling
Kiu Chong
Hong Kong 37 m. Photos
Kiu Chong
Aged 23 years
Diana Chang Chung-Wen
China 32 m. Photos
Diana Chang Chung-Wen
Aged 25 years
Chu Mu
Hong Kong 118 m. Photos
Chu Mu
Chen Yu-Hsin
132 m. Photos
Chen Yu-Hsin
Aged 42 years
Ma Hsiao-Nung
Hong Kong 108 m. Photos
Ma Hsiao-Nung
Ku Wen-Chung
Hong Kong 211 m. Photos
Ku Wen-Chung
Aged 52 years
Show all actors (15 more)
Betty Loh Tih
Hong Kong 47 m. Photos
Betty Loh Tih
Aged 24 years
Ding Ling
23 m. Photos
Ding Ling
Kiu Chong
Hong Kong 37 m. Photos
Kiu Chong
Aged 23 years
Diana Chang Chung-Wen
China 32 m. Photos
Diana Chang Chung-Wen
Aged 25 years
Chu Mu
Hong Kong 118 m. Photos
Chu Mu
Chen Yu-Hsin
132 m. Photos
Chen Yu-Hsin
Aged 42 years
Ma Hsiao-Nung
Hong Kong 108 m. Photos
Ma Hsiao-Nung
Show all actors (16 more)

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